Monday, December 22, 2014

On Good Posture

To amaze or keep myself awake during Misa de Gallo, I watched my posture. I made a conscious effort to sit straight and stand tall all throughout the duration of the mass. However, there were instances wherein lack of sleep got the best of me. 0:) 

This little game of mine did not end during the novena. It carried over outside the chapel. I had dinner with my former colleagues turned friends. One asked what my height was and checked if I was in heels. When she stood beside me we were almost the same height. All along I thought she was not only bigger but taller than me. Apparently good posture and keeping fit make one look taller than reality. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

On Acceptance

There are things I miss that I shouldn't. 
There are things I don't miss that I should. 
Sometimes we want what we couldn't. 
Sometimes we love who we could. 


Wednesday, March 05, 2014

On Increase

A raise is a raise
No matter how high or low
Please be contented

It is prorated
October to December
I must be thankful

Come to think of it
If I multiply by 4
Rate is not that bad

Be optimistic
Always remain positive
Hardwork will payoff

Sunday, February 02, 2014

On I'm Not That Girl

Hands touch, eyes meet
Sudden silence, sudden heat
He could be that boy
but I'm not that girl