Showing posts with label fitness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fitness. Show all posts

Monday, December 22, 2014

On Good Posture

To amaze or keep myself awake during Misa de Gallo, I watched my posture. I made a conscious effort to sit straight and stand tall all throughout the duration of the mass. However, there were instances wherein lack of sleep got the best of me. 0:) 

This little game of mine did not end during the novena. It carried over outside the chapel. I had dinner with my former colleagues turned friends. One asked what my height was and checked if I was in heels. When she stood beside me we were almost the same height. All along I thought she was not only bigger but taller than me. Apparently good posture and keeping fit make one look taller than reality. 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

On Boxing

Finally I had the time to try out the punching bag  installed at home. As I was putting on the wraps I realized that I did not know how! I even had to ask for the assistance of google.

After 30 minutes or so I was all set. I circled around the bag and gave it a jab after 1-2 steps. Not a minute elapsed I was tired! But that didn't stop me cause sayang naman yung pag wrap ko ng kamay ko. Lol. So I went for 3 more rounds and that was it! Til next time. 

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

On 2.5

Mondays are for weigh-ins. This is meant to obviously monitor my weight and to see the effects of the weekend to my body. In the number of Mondays I have been checking my weight have been a steady 104. However, three weeks ago I gained 0.5. It did not bother me because it was only 0.5. It could be my clothes, shoes, girl thing, etc. But when I checked the week after I gained another pound! This alarmed me a bit because this might be the start of an upward trend. And I was correct, when I checked yesterday I gained another pound. That makes it 2.5 pounds in a span of 3 freaking weeks! Oh Eem Gee!

Then again this is expected. I have been a lazy ass. Due to the long hours at work I am lazy to take the extra effort to exercise or whatever to make myself feel a bit fit. This is also a fruit of having visiting relatives over. Hello weekend getaways and dining out galore.

Last time I suddenly put on weight was when I got back from my Euro trip. I guess vacation and relatives are some of the components for gaining a few pounds. Throw in long hours at work that make me lazy to workout which is bad.

Hello self. Please get yourself together. Putting on some pounds actually looks good on you. You actually look blooming. But it would be better if you are strong and fit as well --- not to go over 110 pounds!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

On Habit

30 Jumping Jacks
5 Push Ups
25 High Knees
7 Semi Burpees
10 Crunches
7 Squats
5 Push Ups
10 Crunches
5 Push Ups
7 Squats
30 Jumping Jacks
1 Minute Struggling Wall Sit
5 Push Ups
25 High Knees

The list above is my first step back into fitness. I was able to accomplish one set and I was already sweating. It may not be a hardcore workout but I should give myself a pat on the back for translating into action the though of exercising.

Thank God I found the Motivation to get me started. Now if only I can find the Habit to keep me going. The challenge now is to followup this set with at least two sets tomorrow. Aja!