Wednesday, July 01, 2020

On Midway of 2020

Numerous mishaps has transpired namely the closure of a business, the explosion of a volcano, the accident of mother hen, KB's death and of course the corana global pandemic, to name a few. The world is in a disarray and it is only the midway of 2020! People have no choice but to adjust to the current phenomenon.

Despite all this I am grateful that:
1. I STILL have a job
2. My family and love ones are healthy
3. Chance to attend online meetup/conferences

Yes, too many nasty events has transpired and no one can go back and make a brand new start. However, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending for the new normal.

Let's do this!

Thursday, June 11, 2020


I am grateful to have the opportunity to WFH after my ML. Despite the challenges of watching a baby and working I am thankful for my working arrangement. It allows me to spend more time with my LO and experience her milestones first hand. 

Then this global covid-19 pandemic happened. WFH felt different. I put pressure upon myself to do more due to the fear of losing my job (which I know is secured). I registered numerous conferences and meet-ups (which I normally would not have attended due to logistics) as they shifted online. I tend to take lesser breaks and cannot seem to differentiate work and leisure. Now I am exhausted and want to go back to the office at least once a week. 

Then I read...  You are not "working from home", you are "at home during a crisis, trying to work". 

This is important to realise as even I'm struggling and I have been working from home for almost a year.

Time to step back and alot time for self-care. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

On Restart

Well hello dear world!
How far was my attempt to 100 posts?

3! lol

There are no failures, just learnings.
So let me try again.