Friday, September 01, 2006

* - BER Month

Hello never ending sneezes and dripping sipon!

I feel so groggy.
I wasn't able to enjoy lunch as much as I wanted toooooo.
I had to skip badminton.
I had to pass up a movie.

What a way to start the BER month!

Thursday, August 31, 2006


aunt: How old is your brother?
4 yr old: I think I don't know his number.
me: You, what is your number?
4 yr old: I am turning four.


Friday, August 25, 2006

Schmaltzy 001

Me: Oi, X ano sinabi mo nung dumaan ako?
X: Kain?

I had merienda with him. It was only us two. We did not eat in the pantry. Take note, we ate out. Actually, I thought of asking my regular merienda mates to join us, but something peculiar prevented me. I felt uneasy to invite them for they barely knew X. Then again, perhaps I wanted to spend an alone time with him.

is this me?

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Cartoons 003

We were on our way towards our next ride --- Jungle Log Jam. I was ahead of the group along with two officemates.Two other officemates were behind us who nagged each other. While we were made our way to the ride I overheard this loud convesation:

San tayo?
Dyaaaangle Laaaaag Dyaaaaam

Guess what I did?

I slowly turned towards them and with conviction said:
Dyaaaangle Laaaaag Dyaaaaam!

To my dismay, it wasn't my offficemates who said that but a pair of teens who stared backed at me in a weird way. I bet they were thinking, what the heck?

In my attempt to save my face, I slowly turned away from them however, one of my officemate who was behind us saw the whole incident. She could not contain her laughter. She grabbed my arm, pulled me out from the group and started to laugh biosteriously (sp?!?).

When I looked back, the strangers still had this blank look.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Long Weekend Update

- badminton with officemates
- after meal

- EK
- Swimming

- Twister
- Kutot

- Uwian :(

*will edit this entry pagsinipag ako