Wednesday, November 14, 2007

One of those questions

Why do people leave?
Do they leave so that they can come back?

So are you coming back... with a baggage?


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Oh Grit

Bravery is difficult to acquire. It takes time, a day… week… months… to unearth the guts to act on something uncomfortable… time to set aside uncertainties. Even if unsure of the outcome, one digs deep to find the nerves to overcome fears. Desperately tries to anticipate the consequences nonetheless can never be prepared of the results.

Grit is doing disconcerting things. It is an admirable characteristic to possess. I appreciate it even if it took you half a year to be MAN enough to reveal the UNFORGIVABLE act you engaged in.

All I can say is…

Thank you for the delayed honesty.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Realization one two

Last August, when I browsed over my blog I found out the my blogs were work related RANTS!

Now it is already November. Here is the trend of my posts for the past two months:

Nothing really special or personal. Just random stuff especially movies!

I would say.. some stuff with sense. Mostly concerned my family relationships. And yeah, some personal growth for me I guess. Ohh my.. I forgot to update on my movies! :/

How would the last two months for 2007?
Hopefully less rants and less nonsense stuff. :))

When Will This All End?

I have been stuck with my current project for almost 2 years. Originally our target delivery date for phase 1 was set last October 2006. Sadly, due to unavoidable circumstances, we were not able to deliver :( On the lighter note, our client gave us an extension. I guess they knew that they were not doing their part.

Anyway, due to the extension, we continued with the project. Like how the saying goes...the show must go on. The show went on and on. What was so frustrating was our team gave all out effort to accomplish whatever was asked from us. Even if it was out of our scope, we did it! Even if it was not initially assigned to us, we eventually did it so that at least something would happen to our project.

In spite of all our efforts, I still did not see the light at the end of the tunnel. Then again, maybe I saw something before... but right now it is total blackout in here. :(

Crap. It does not feel good to do stuff when at the end of the day there is no accomplishment. Or you have accomplished something but on the next day it would be all scraped out because of some change of requirement. Argh!

October 2006... January 2007 ... March... August... October... December...
February 2008!

When will this all end?

Hopefully this would be my last work rant regarding this oh so beautiful project of ours. I hope the management would do something about what has been happening since I bet they already know the source of the delay. Then again, if our client would still not cooperate then I guess they should do some kind of a work around. If they would not do anything about it, then I guess the people would leave the company. Just like what our database manager, attorney, project manager, java architect, oracle dev and other java gurus did.

Friday, November 09, 2007


i'm doing well. hey, i wanted to talk to you for the longest time..