Monday, March 31, 2008

On Missed Chances

First a three pointer from the top of circle
Second a running shot down the middle
Third a driving lay up from a fumbled play with the time winding down to end the third quarter

BUT none went IN... :(

To add pain to injury... the third quarter ended with a buzzer beater three from the other team.

Despite all the missed chances-- may it be from an attempt or a choice to give others a chance, I would like to think that I played so-so.. since, we W-O-N! :)

On the Transformation

First the color... then the style... and now a pictorial?!?

Is this me? Am I becoming a lady?


Sunday, March 30, 2008

So HighSchool

Being with people whom you haven't seen for a long period of time is such a fresh new feeling. Hanging out and exchanging stories is so entertaining --- even if the topic is mostly bitter stuff. Even "partying" that felt so highschool seems alright at that moment. Haha!

Let's do it again.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Fresh Feeling - Eels

You don't have a clue
What it is like to be next to you
I'm here to tell you
That it is good
That it is true

Birds singing a song
Old paint is peeling
This is that fresh
That fresh feeling

Words can't be that strong
My heart is reeling
This is that fresh
That fresh feeling

Try to forget what's in the past
Tomorrow is here

Orange sky above lighting your way
There's nothing to fear

Some people are good
Babe in the 'hood
So pure and so free
I'd make a safe bet
You're gonna get whatever you need

Cannot wait for my "fresh feeling"!


Pancake House
Ice Craze
Brazil Brazil!
