Friday, January 13, 2012

On Disable Perks

There were many low moments in my road to recovery. Everyday waking moment was a struggle. The first few days were the worst! There were instances when I cannot move my leg on my own! Honestly, it has been tough and continues to be challenging. But life cannot be bad all the time. Somehow there are perks. It is just a matter of perspective.
  1. Parking is one of the challenges in the metro. Good luck if you find one when you go to the mall after two hours from the opening time. Thank God for disabled parking! I would have missed my rehab doctor if I did not park on that slot this afternoon. Too bad that not all establishments have at least one.   
  2. Chivalry is lost. Men don't open doors for ladies. Younger people don't give up their seats to the elderly. No apologies when you bump or hit someone while walking. But due to my handicapped look, an American and a Chinese gave up their seats, guards open the door and people don't stick too close at malls. But not without giving me a weird look.
  3. Lines exist for a purpose. They serve as a tool for order. I have no troubles lining up. But when the guard saw me he caught my attention and directed me to the priority lane. Who am I not to take the chance? :)
  4. My family members do not mind me before. However due to my condition they are more conscious of my needs. They make it a point that I am comfortable. I feel loved.

It is not all bad after all. :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

On Petrichor

Badly miss the smell
Wet ground and grass -- petrichor
Someday'll reunite

Monday, January 09, 2012

On Quota

Quota in their minds
It's all about the numbers
Quality is lost

Friday, January 06, 2012

On Stupidity

Doing the same things
Expecting other results
That's stupidity

On 6 Stitches

Nung nakita ko
Bigla akong nanghina
Hey there 6 stitches!