Monday, December 08, 2008

On ....

meeting a "star"
and only having a small amount of time to spend with them
then they leave
then they dump you
then they move on.

they stop texting
they stop the contact
they've stopped everything to do with

you wish you didn't miss them
you wish you had moved on too
but then you realize
you do miss them, you haven't moved on.

what do we do now?

On the Financial Crisis

Since the US of A is experiencing a financial crisis it is inevitable that where I reside would not be affected. So how does my company react to this situation? FREEZE ALL INCREMENTS PLANNED IN JANNUARY 2009!

But wait, there is hope:

We will remain vigilant and will continue to review the situation throughout the year, and will do the increments as soon as the situation permits. I have asked the People/HR teams to continue the years annual performance review and promotion process planned in December-January, as we will use these for increments as and when they happen in 2009.

What the hell?!? More responsibilities but same pay! Who are you kidding?!? Pa-asa!

Sunday, December 07, 2008

The Security Blanket

I am not sure if it is just me or I do I really attract bad boys? Honestly, I seem like an angel amidst them. No offense meant, but how come the guys who approach me are “addicts”? When I say addict it does not exclusively mean the need for drugs but also other stuff such as computer games, money, fame, sex and the like.

Do I have this certain aura that they somehow find their way towards me? Do I give out a vibe that they feel secured under my wings? Do they idolize me?

It does not feel good that people only run after you whenever they are depressed or down. I have my own life “issues” which I need to handle as well. Even if I appear like an angel amidst those “devils”, I do not want to be a security blanket forever!