Friday, January 07, 2011

On Random People

The other day, while I was on my way to the car I saw a familiar face inside a coffee shop. I am not good with faces so I walked slowly to verify if it was him. Lo and behold, it was really him! There I was lost. I did not know what to do as he came out of the shop and made his way towards me and greeted me with matching beso. Eep. In fairness, I was able to manage to utter some small talk :) Good job!
What will you do when you see someone you know in a random place?
Will you be the first one to approach or acknowledge the presence of the other person?
Or will you pretend that you did not see the other person and go on with your business?
If ever there is a next time, how should I handle the situation? Boo.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

On Insomia

Oh Insomia
Tossing and turning in bed
Sleep please come to me

On The Dangers of Life

Death is part of life but the murder is not. I just found out that one of the uncles of my teammate was shot. The killer waited for him and shot him 5 times.

I never met her uncle. All I know that he is a politician. Does being one political figure involve risking one's life above all? Would you take that risk having the knowledge that there are people willing to kill another fellow man for whatever reason? What happened to love your neighbors? Life is truly scary.

May his soul rest in peace.

Monday, January 03, 2011


I need strength to stop
To control this emotion
Head please restrain heart


Sunday, January 02, 2011

Kids Say The Darnest Things

My aunt passed the phone to her son who was eating his lunch at 3pm.

ME: Hey, how are you doing?
Cousin: Good talking to you.