Wednesday, May 20, 2020

On Restart

Well hello dear world!
How far was my attempt to 100 posts?

3! lol

There are no failures, just learnings.
So let me try again.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

On One Push Wonder

 Last Friday morning when I got up I felt a gush from my privates. When I checked my pad there was a good amount of blood discharge. I thought it was normal to have some blood so I was not that alarmed and knowing I had  MW appointment at the three quarter where I could ask about it.

Before leaving for my appointment I called mom to catch up and told her about the blood situation. She advised me to mention it to the MW. I also asked her how would you know if you are about to give birth. She said you will feel contractions. In my mind I was thinking... what is a a contraction? Apparently the back pains I was experiencing was the start. I thought it was just my wonky back acting up again. 

At around 5pm when we got back home I tried to sleep off the pain but no luck. I would get up due to pain and ask husband to massage. I tried to sit on the ball and it did relieve the pain but for a short period only. After having salmon for dinner, dear husband prepared a warm bath. It was good in there but of course I could not sleep in there.  

After bath I decided to monitor the so-called contractions. Husband asked if I want to all the assessment line. I answered that maybe I am overreacting. I tried to sleep it off again but to no avail so I agreed to call the assessment line. The person who answered advised us to sleep it off. I asked if I could use the tens machine to relieve the pain yet sleep was no where in sight. At this time I had to rush to the toilet every so often and there was blood. So husband called Rosie to explain the situation. and finally the lady told us we could come in. I guess my my shouting at the background did the trick.

The car journey was the longest I had in my entire life. It was gross. I peed myself. I had my eyes close 95% of the time. I was shouting for the Lord to help me. I was calling for my mom. It was torture. 

I looked ugly when we finally arrived the birth centre. While checking in I had to interrupt the small and mentioned I felt something between my legs. MW asked to pull down my trousers. Oh it was a head! She asked me to go on the bed an push. One push and hello dear LG!

Grabe! What a miracle! How the body knew what to do! We almost did not make it tbh. Too bad I wasn't able to experience the birthing pool, set the music and play with the mood lights. That aside, I am beyond thankful for the smooth (if you could classify it as such) delivery and my healthy and complete hunny bunny.

Wednesday, December 05, 2018

On Six Months

Six months since I relocated to an area where the weather is one of the main small talk topics. Who would have thought that I would find my tropical bum in this side of the globe? Certainly not me who prefers the heat anytime over the cold. Luckily there is a human heater to keep me warm. Other than desperately trying to adjust to the weather numerous things have transpired. 

I moved here and my initial goal was to maximise being a homemaker and quickly settle in for the remainder of the year. I had a good start; the house was starting to look and feel like a home and found things I enjoy - basketball and ultimate. These sports were good entertainment/distractions as it was a venue to socialise and exercise. But like most cases, things do not always go as planned. Less than a month and we are already expecting! Two months in I started a part-time job as a result of boredom. 

Oh life! You are truly one great adventure. Bring it on.

Monday, February 27, 2017

On Being Better

Don't be angry with the people who are smarter than you--it isn't their fault. Don’t be angry with people who are slow in catching up, they need your help. Don’t be angry with the bashing in social media, they are just mere opinions. Don’t be angry with those who are angry at you, you cannot control them. Just preserve your energy and concentrate on doing better and being better.

Friday, April 29, 2016

On Surprises

Wishful thinking and slight deduction and there he was.

I knew it!