Thursday, April 09, 2009

On Waiting for Life

First, why am I like this even if there is no assurance that things will turn out how I want. Secondly, why the hell am I putting myself in a situation that is killing me deep down. Lastly, why would I settle for something ordinary when there is someone extraordinary out there who not only loves me but respects me as well?

I guess I am like this cause being the hopeless romantic that I am; secretly I am wishing that things would eventually go my way. Maybe I do have a special feeling towards him because I am sort of allowing him to cause me pain. Finally, maybe I have not found the one yet that is why I am still entertaining him. Whatever!

Waiting is the most important thing we can do for the one we love. Nevertheless, it can prove one thing, as it goes, it can also change minds.

I am tired. Easter = new life. I guess now is the right time for a new rejuvenated me.

Hello world!

On Catching Up

Catching up with someone whom you have not seen and spoken to for the longest time is one of the most fantastic feelings in the whole wide world... make it universe!

'Nuff said.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

On Saving Leaves

Going to work while 90% of the people in your project or in the office are on leave tends to give off a different environment. Lights were switched off the whole time that I think is a sort of lame cost cutting idea since I was in the area. My inbox was relatively quiet compared to the tons of messages received daily.

Not taking a leave while 90% of the project is on leave is boring but very very relaxing. At least I have saved 2 days vacation leave time just by petiks.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Child Talk

My niece asked these question to his gay uncle

Why are you sooo white?
In fairness, his face was really really white. As in, then match it with the plucked eyebrows and highlighted hair. Badingarsy alert!

Why are you wearing lipstick?
Promise, it was soooo red!

I love kids! They are so honest. They point out the obvious. I cannot believe that his/her.. its parents are mum about the situation.

Accepted na ba?

You Tell Me

Just because I do not talk much
Just because I look mataray
Just because I choose to have my own world at times

Does that make me suplada?

Just because I mess around
Just because I ride along with the jokes
Just because I am teasingly hali

Does that make me a flirt?

Are not those stuff I mentioned opposites?
So am I suplada or a flirt?
You tell me.

Whatever your answer may be, I will respect it because that is your opinion.
Then again, I know who I am.

I am just curious on why some people perceive me as such…
Do I sense insecurity… :)