Sunday, January 02, 2011

On Restraints

There is nothing bad in wishing that things will turn out as one dream it to be. However, when things do not go out as desired, one should learn when to stop wishing. Well, not really stop cause at times, hope is the only things that keeps someone sane, but somehow put a limit and control ones actions and not do foolish things.

So there. ENOUGH. This has to stop. OK. I restrain myself in a vain attempt to finish this madness. It is not meant to be, so why force it? Help me Kuya Jess to accept, let go and move on.

There are more things to life than failed dreams. There are miracles waiting to happen one just needs to be persistent and positive. :)

Saturday, January 01, 2011

On NYR for 2011

A resolution needs commitment in order to achieve a goal. Sadly, I lacked dedication for my New Years Resolution for 2010. I was too lenient towards myself. I did not push myself to reach my goal.

As I analyze my NYR last year, I believe all are attainable and realistic. I just need to actualize the ideas by making step by step plans with deadlines, actions and alternatives to reach my goals. As they say, a lifestyle change does not happen overnight.

Revised NYR for 2011

1. Lessen Internet time. Instead read/write more.
- 30 minutes only of internet usage at home
- Write at least 100 words a day, aka update blog
- Start with reader’s digest or books bought but not read
2. Improve relationship with the ULTIMATE
- Take time to pray before retiring and waking up
- Read the bible
3. Exercise Exercise Exercise
- try to sleep earlier (1am the latest) to wake up by 630 to exercise
4. Positive Thinking
- Happy thoughts go a long way. Always wear a smile. :)
- Don’t be afraid. Be aggressive.
6. Better ME
- :)
- take note of my spending especially credit card bills
- save at least xxx,xxx.xx by December 2011

This is it pansit, letzgow!
Now is the time I dare to follow my 'dreams'.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

On Being A Couple

This so-called story began at Christmas 2006. Girl met boy. They went out a handful of times. Things seemed to move towards a deeper friendship. However, everything happened too fast. Girl used her head and as a result boy was heartbroken. Thus, boy went back to his past and come Christmas 2007, boy became a father.

Despite that, boy and girl remained so-called friends. In 2008, girl and boy met again and somehow that something still lingered. But due to the complexity of their situation, things were left at that --- hanging. This went on until 2009. Girl and boy still saw each other occasionally and exchanged stories but that was just that --- complicated.

By first quarter of 2010, boy was happily in-love with another girl. It became them but fell apart. Come third quarter, boy went back to his past but didn't work out again. So here is boy again presenting himself to girl and proposing to be a couple.

What will 2011 hold?
Good relationships do not just happen. They need time, patience and two people who truly believe they are meant to be together and fight for that belief.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

On Escalation

How'd you escalate
And not appear like a kid
Whinning to her folks?

Patience's a virtue
But also has its limit
This is it. Enough.

Lord, please do guide me
And not let my emotions
get the best of me.

There are no freinds-friends
At work, we are co-workers.
We're professional.

No hard feelings... please.
Just want to get the job done.
Do you understand?

Sunday, November 28, 2010

On Small World

GUY WHO I JUST MET: Wala pa tayong 3 hours na magkakilala hinihiritan mo na ako.
*Me thinks, okay, kaya pala ako nakakatakot.*
ME: Ok, I'll keep my mouth shut.
*but parang i met this guy na before, so i asked my friend*
ME:Your friend seems familiar, I think he is the ex of my cousin.
FRIEND: What is the name of your cousin
ME: *insert name of cousin*
FRIEND: Oi, do you know *insert name of cousin*?
GUY: *nanalaki ang mata*
ME: AHA! Apparently I know you more than 3 hours. Now i have the right!