Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Happy Happy Yippee Yey Yey

Shallow as it may sound but I am genuinely happy. :) It may be a material thing, but I really believe that I deserve it even if it is delayed. Patience is the key.


Friday, March 11, 2011

On Losing

I do not take losing very lightly. Yes, it is a fact that the outcome may not go as planned. I can accept failure, but I can’t accept not trying. I dislike the feeling of dissatisfaction or lack of fulfillment afterwards. It haunts me.

Clearly I am serious when it comes to Ultimate and Basketball. Too serious that I guess my passion gets in the way and my intensity gets the best of me. But then I again, it would be unfair to the sport if I do not go all out every single time may it be in practice or in an actual game. How would I except the sport to love me back if I held back? What is the sense of playing competitively?

Ultimate and Basketball are team sports. I am not taking it against anyone except myself, but I guess I just need to accept the fact not everyone shares the same seriousity that I possess to prevent future frustrations. Hopefully this will not stop me from pushing myself to achieve my full potential.

As they say: one should not stop trying to operate in excellence. I should keep in mind that no matter how discouraged I get I should still have DIGNITY. Therefore, I hope that even if it upsets me when things are not going as planned I can continue to push myself and not lose hope. Once I give up and lose hope, then it is already game over.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

On Injury

Another conversation which transpired over lunch:

One of my officemates was not feeling well so we talked about our worst medical/health related experience.

OFFICEMATE 1: What was your worse sickness?
OFFICEMATE 2: I never got admitted to the hospital despite my migraine attacks and this amebiasis.
OFFICEMATE 1: Ako din, first time ko ma-hospital when I gave birth.
OFFICEMATE 1 looks at ME and asks
OFFICEMATE 1: Ikaw Kat, what was your worse sickness?



Monday, March 07, 2011

On Marathon

Over lunch this conversation transpired:

ME: So, how was your weekend?
OFFICEMATE: Ayun, nag-marathon kami.
ME: Ahh talaga? Sumali kayo sa Unilab?
OFFICEMATE: Hindi, movie marathon.

*Toinks!* I think nasobrahan na ako sa physical activities.


I hate this feeling
Would be good to verbalize
Don’t know where to start

Family matters
Basketball and Ultimate
Spiritual stuff

Throw in career
Relationships and what-nots
I am puzzled

Too many nonsense
Running in my common sense
It hurts my “headache”

Maybe a breather
An alone time with myself
Is all that I need

A break from the noise
To make sense of this nonsense
Flooding my so-called brain

Time to press escape
And get out of this jungle
In hope to find peace

So help me God.