Wednesday, January 25, 2012

On Second Monthsary

Today marks the second month of after my operation. My condition is better compared to the first week of hell when I cannot hardly move my leg even a single millimeter. At present, I am more mobile. No step-slide and shuffling when walking on flat surfaces. As for ramps, I am more cautious around them since my balance is kinda wobbly. The stairs is still a challenge. In fairness I can alternate my steps already but it feels awkward. I need to bend my knee more!

I should be happy with my progress. However, deep down there is this not so good feeling. I should let down my defense mechanism instinct.

After 2 months, flexion increased and lag decreased. I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday. :)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

On Takaw

One cup for chicken
Another one for veggies
Diet? What is that?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

On White Flag

Whatever happens
You are at the losing end
This is the sad truth

Might as well shut up
Rather waste your energy
For something you can't achieve

Quit because you are
unhappy not because it
is so difficult

Monday, January 16, 2012

On PCL Update After Rehab Day 12

In fairness each time I consulted my rehab doctor he saw an improvement. First time I saw him I could barely move without any support. Second session was better. I was able to shuffle my way to the bed. The most recent session was by far the best. I had a cane for props only. After 12 PT sessions, flexion was up to 100-110 degrees and lag was at 5 around degrees. Though, my quads are still jello.

Woohoo! Now is not the time to be complacent. I should push and persevere more to reach my goal. By next consultation, my flexion should be at least 130 degrees and lag should be gone. Hopefully I could jog as well.

So why am I punishing myself in rehab? If I get better, would I still be able to play? Would I still play? No doubt I love sports. Sports have been a huge part of my life. But the question is, can I live without participating physically in sports? I have done it for almost 3 months and I am still alive.

Oh well, I will cross the bridge when I get there. For the meantime, I should focus on getting better. Eyes on the prize, self. Kakayanin ko ito kasi andiyan ka e. :)

Friday, January 13, 2012

On Recovery

Things happen for a reason. I may not have found the answer why I completely tore a ligament but it has happened and I must live with it. I am grateful that I have came through the toughest portion of my rehabilitation. However, the road to recovery is not yet over. I have to keep fighting until the rest of my existence.

Rehabilitation and recovery needs lots of time, patience and perseverance. It is tough and it can be tougher. But I will get over the hump because I know You are here by my side. It is You who can make possible what for me is simply impossible. Aja!