Thursday, April 14, 2011


The knowledge that we belong to the same group did not prevent my heart from skipping a beat when I saw you at the "farewell dinner". The smile that playfully appeared on your face as you extended your right hand as you said, "Hi, I'm *insert name* ... made me giggle. The soft brush of your lips to my cheek made me tingle. And as I walked away I felt electricity transmit into my whole body.
This happens each time I see you. Shallow as it may sound, you do something to me that I can't explain. Open your eyes, mind and heart because I need you to look into mine.

Monday, April 11, 2011

On Sleepy

Eyes slowly closing
Siesta you are so tempting
How i wish I can

My body clock is whacked!

Saturday, April 09, 2011


To play and have fun
Such a wonderful feeling
I missed you RAG-B!

It feels good to play
When there is encouragement
From every teammate

TO or what may
Accept whatever happens
No blaming occurs

No hot angry heads
Only heads looking ahead
Also held up high

Pressure is lighter
Game is steady and relaxed
Confidence emits

We may be smaller
But heart is always present
There's no backing down

Friday, April 08, 2011


I am so so tired
Don't know where to place myself
Relax or uptight?

Pagod na ako
Di alam san lulugar
Luwag o higpit?

Ultimate Frisbee,
You think I really love you?
Oh yes, yes I do!

Err, but as they say....
Oh easy come, easy go.
Please don't let me down...

Monday, April 04, 2011

On Trying to Overcome $+|2355

Vision is blurry
Things seem to move on it's own
What is the cause?

Is this due to stress?
But, what is stress anyway?
Is this real or fake?

Fatigue over work
I miss my A.I.D.S. petiks ways
Vacation calls me

Afraid to get hurt
Survival instincts kicks in
Either fight or flight.

Things I can't control
Worrying for no reason
Am I an addict?

No-no to breakdown
Why stress when I can enjoy?
Mind over matter

Oh, stress relievers
Ultimate plus basketball
Yey, work-life balance!

Please do your magic
Cause so-called stress is winning
Go fight fight! Aja!