Wednesday, March 06, 2013

On How to Comfort a Mother

It seems like the same scenario back in 2010. This time it is my grandfather who is 85 years old. He is one health conscious person. He jogs and walks everyday and does not skip his medications. Earlier yesterday he even went to the beach with my relatives.

At night we got a phone call. My cousins were rushing him to the hospital due to a suspected stroke. He was still semi conscious for he was still able to respond in a way. After a CT scan they said there was a blood clot so they suggested to transfer to another hospital that specializes on those stuff. However, the operation cannot push through right away since my grandfather was under medication.

Today, he was brought to the hospital in the city. He underwent the operation because the clot was getting bigger. He has not waken up since the procedure.

I cannot bear to see the stress my mom is undergoing. But how do I comfort a mother whose father who just underwent a stroke? How can I be strong if just by the thought of whats happening brings tears to my eyes?

I am no doctor, and all I can do is pray that my grandfather will get the right treatment and have a speedy recovery.

Kuya Jess, may Your will be done.

Monday, January 21, 2013

On Retirement Benefit

Computed my retirement benefit.
Would it be worth the wait?
I love my job!
I LOVE my job!
Now, I could only really mean it....


Sunday, January 20, 2013

On Pick Ups Sunday

Younger brother asked me if I wanted to join his team. I agreed because I want to get back in the groove. But I also informed him ahead of time about my limitations. Despite my conditions, his team openly accepted me.

I had my first pick up with the team earlier. It was an opportunity to meet my teammates and test out my knee. Knee felt better compared to my last stint at the Circle. I was able to play 6-8 points (I lost count) under the scorching heat without any substitutions. It was a given that my throws are a continuous work in progress. But it felt great that my teammates acknowledged my game play. I still lag behind but at least a few steps nalang.

Truly, hard work does pay off. More of it and oh yeah!!!

Friday, January 18, 2013

On Zero Dark Thirty

I did not have any background on the film thus I did not have any expectations. All I knew that it was about how OBL was killed. Despite that I still had no clue since I did not follow OBL. Now I am informed! :))

US government, CIA and those special task forces were amazing! OBL was brilliant as well. Like how he kept his identity and how he efficiently operated. They wanted to catch a terrorist and even if years passed by accompanied with deaths and tragedies, they still kept the operation. Their strategies and their “props” were at another level.  It opened my eyes on how way behind the Philippines is in terms of military know how. Also, I realized that I do not know many things. Thus, I should educate myself and update my knowledge on these subject matter.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

On Interrogation

Out with college friend
What's up with all the questions?
It does not follow

When I got home I told my folks that won't be having dinner at home. I said that I'll have dinner out. Before I stepped out the house I informed them that I was leaving already.

So had dinner and some dessert. When I got back I didn't ring the bell and used the house keys like I always do. So I got in the gate then suddenly dad rushed out the house to see who dropped me off. When I entered the house the ladies bombarded with numerous questions. Seriously, can't I go out with someone you haven't met and not get interrogated non stop after?