Imagine hearing a faint “drrrrrr…..” sound while you are at work. Is it tolerable? Maybe. Perhaps since the clatter came from a semi-distant place a.k.a. the other side of the floor. How about if the “drrrrrr…..” buzz was 5 meters away? It is still tolerable? Waaaaaaaaaaah! Maybe it is, if only the racket lasted for a short period of time like for 5 minutes to 15 minutes the most.
We tried to drown the noise pollution with music however it was no use. We did not prevail. Based on the reactions of people and their status in YM, most were irritated. But deep down I welcomed the distraction because it gave us a reason to sneak out the office.
Too bad when we got back they weren’t finish yet. Next time we should have stayed out longer. Then again, there wasn’t anywhere good to go to or anything interesting to do. It was weird considering it was a Friday night there weren’t people out. I guess people are saving up for the 14th.
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