Friday, May 11, 2012

On May 15, 1995 Entry

Plenty of people are playing with us again. You know I'm gonna miss this place. Why? Because the air is fresh, the stuff is cheap and my grandmother loves me.

Such a simple entry that brought back memories from my childhood. The entry above was written after the fiesta. When I was younger I always went to the province for the feast of the Santa Cruzan. After the novena we usually played with the other kids. Patintero and Monkey Monkey were the common games. Since the feast was finished it meant summer vacation was almost over and it also meant that the time to go back to Manila was around the corner.

I miss how every summer we had a mini reunion. People from Davao and Manila traveled to Cebu for the fiesta. Despite how many we were everything was always prepared upon our arrival from the towels to the choice of soap. All these was made possible because of Lola. I knew what love is through her and her simple act of kindness. I miss you Lola.

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