Thursday, February 08, 2007

On Deaths

Death is a part of life. Death is our constant companion…our ally. One should accept the existence of death because at the end of the road, nobody can escape loss of life. Thus, there should be a constant awareness that one’s time is only borrowed.

With this knowledge, one should make the best use of their time and live life to the fullest. One could only live life to the fullest when one has accepted the reality of death. When one shy away from death, one deprives one’s self the passion to enjoy life and love with clarity.

Love anything that lives then eventually it dies. Trust anyone and there is a chance of pain and hurt. Depend on someone and that person may let you down. A full life is full of ache. Then again, the only alternative is not to live fully or not to live at all.

Therefore, one must accept death as one’s companion. Take risks. Live life to the fullest before it runs out.

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