Sunday, February 25, 2007

Unspoken Thoughts 2

Before I sleep and after I wake up and all the hours in between I think of you. I know it is stupid. You may like me, but what I feel towards you is something I cannot describe. I am not your significant other or whatsoever, but not knowing where you are and what you are doing bothers me. Not getting any response or answer to message and call makes me uneasy.

This is REALLY ridiculous!

I just have to control and stop it. Like what I said before, I am still getting to know you. Everything is happening so fast – then again, you like it fast. You may still be in the rebound and stuff. On the other hand, I am not 110% certain if I am ready to allow you to cause/inflict me pain. Lastly, why would I settle for something ordinary when there is someone extraordinary miles away from me?

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