Saturday, March 10, 2007

On Being Lost...Again

Heart beating so fast… out of breath… cannot keep still…
Many random thoughts running through my mind…
I HATE this!

Once again, I am lost. I do not know what I want. Rather, what I want to do with my life! Am I experiencing some sort of a crisis here? I feel like a robot who does routinely activities. Wake up in the morning… prepares to work… pretends to work… mingle with people… pretends more…goes home and drain myself with my useless thoughts. I do go out at least twice a week, but its not much. I still have a hella lot of time for my nonsense and it is killing me!

What is my purpose in this lifetime? I try to make people happy, do they even notice? Would it even matter if the ground suddenly opened and swallowed me?

Maybe I need more action. I need a LIFE… a life with PURPOSE!
Somebody… save me… PLEASE!

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