Sunday, April 30, 2006


Before 5am in the morning I've barfed three times already. I saw the toppings of the Hawaian pizza that I ate earlier in the sink since I wasn't able to reach the toilet. It was gross. I haven't barffed that much in my whole existence.

Due to my upset stomach our breakfast out did not push through. I felt such a loser since my family was excited and woke up early. I told them to go ahead without me however they decided not to since it would be different. I woke up at 12:30 and wasn't able to hear mass with my folks.

I arrived at 1 for lunch. When I got there, everyone knew about my condition. Oh great. Since I was not confident with my stomach I wasn't able to enjoy the food. I didn't even get a slice of cake and scoop of ice cream due to the fear that I might throw up or whatsoever.

I slept again when I got home. When I got up again, I dragged myself to dinner which I didn't appreaciate that much due to my condition. I didn't stay that long since I had to hear mass and thank our Creator for giving me life.

And that was how I spent my 23rd year in this world. No small dinner with friends for this year. Tsk tsk.

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