Friday, March 10, 2006

Hello Reggae

Working during the night deprived me from going out during week nights. I officially started working the regular hours this Monday. After almost 3 months of no night life, I invited some of my friends to go out. I tagged my sister along since I was not sure if the people I invited will show up since it was a Thursday. Good thing my sister came since only one person showed up. If my sister didn't come it would have looked like a date. We went to Mugen Bar in Metrowalk.This drink greeted us at the entrance. Isn't the test tube presenation look eye-catching? Imagine this violet/green liquid substance in it? Doesn't it look intriguing and astonishing? Haha. I got fooled by its presentation, plus the fact that it was free. Yuck! I promise myself that I would never ever drink this again. It tasted like some kind of medicine or like some herb that I cannot explain. Blech. Nothing embarrassing happened to me, the after taste lingered for a time which felt terrible, unlike my sister the past week.

Anyway, we went there since Brownman Revival was playing. Ayluvem! Their songs were nice to the ear. Dancable and soothing. Hello Reggae... for me. My longing to learn the saxophone came back. I should... better learn before my lifetime is over.

Good thing that the night turned out to be great despite the fact that only one of my friends showed up. I guess we did look like losers singing... drinking... dancing(?)... but the important thing was that we had fun.

'til the next night out. Haha.

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