Sunday, June 07, 2009

The Case of the Key

In our household amidst our common interactions we have our own separate lives. We have different obligations and schedules. We come in and out our abode at diverse times. The young once have their own set of keys in order to prevent hassle and danger.

Shockingly, it was not a fool proof strategy. The other night our eldest ranged the bell and honked his horn when he arrived. Our 3rd was disturbed from her online life and opened the gate to our fortress. Mysteriously one of our eldest's keys was nowhere to be found in his green and white lanyard! Thus the need to create noise in order to be noticed.

How could a key suddenly fall off a key ring? The green and white lanyard was last placed inside Daisy – the tae green vehicle. Assuming it was not there, it was usually among its fellow keys. But according to our eldest he remembered perfectly that he left it in his beloved Daisy.

Our eldest had a suspicion on where the key might have vanished. He left the green and white lanyard amongst its fellow keys before he went up to sleep. He assured us with conviction that it will be there tomorrow. Lo and behold, when he woke up, his keys were mind-bogglingly complete! However, the missing key was not in its rightful place. Obviously, the suspect was in a rush to put it back.

What sucks is the culprit does not even know that she has been caught. Should we confront her? Or wait til something more outrageous transpires?


Anonymous said...

so, sino ang salarin? hehe

blaough said...

the helper.