Wednesday, August 25, 2010


How difficult is it to disseminate information? We are within the same vicinity and you still cannot find it within yourself to approach me and to talk to me personally. With the existence of technology, you have options. You can either email or text me. I wondered how come you did not utilize any of these resources properly. What stopped you?

Transparency is one of the foundations of a good organization. When everything is laid out in the open, questions are minimized and the matter is easier to understand. So why hide information? Why did you wait for me to act upon the situation before you reacted? Thus, lack of communication was showcased. How come you did not have the decency to discuss the matter?

All I ask is some transparency. Isn’t it my right to know? Why can’t you just be a little bit more honest and open? What happened is obvious. You do not have the wares of a great or even a good manager. You only had the guts to give a slight preview of the current situation so you will have someone to blame. Tell me now if my understanding is incorrect. But you are full of deceit and I don’t like it.

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