Saturday, June 18, 2011

On PFPS, MPS & Plantar Fasciitis

Apparently my bruised knees aren't my only "problem". The uncomfortable feeling that I experienced whenever I take my first few steps in the morning had a deeper meaning. The tight muscles and stiff joints after Ultimate and Basketball was not simply due to exhaustion. There is a scientific/medical explanation for the pain.

Say hello to Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS), Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS) and Plantar Fasciitis. What are those? All I know that the first two are related to the knees. Basically, it is the discomfort I feel in my knees because there are two bones that rub each other or something. In addition, there is this muscle or tissue that is weak. As for Plantar Fasciitis, it is related to the feet. It is either I'm flat footed or have falling arches.

Sadly, there is no direction solution for this. However, there are many things I can do to address the so-called problems. Ice is my new bff. Hello to 2 hours rehab and home exercises. On the lighter side, I can play. I just do not know what kind of pain or what-so-ever I will feel afterwards. Well, time to choose my battles carefully.


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