Thursday, November 03, 2011

Words of Wisdom from Lola

How can one remain enthustiastic with a 10 hour Monday to Friday and 8 hour Saturday work schedule? It would be bearable if there is no naggy micro manager who cares more on the numbers than the quality. Things should be lighter with additional resources but workload has not changed at all. Obviously there is an issue. 

Having said that, what do I gain if I extend for another month? Yes, it will look good at my resume. I will be able to save more. There will be a sense of fulfillment at the end of the day. But is it worth it?

In as much as I would like to stay at the back if mind it is telling me otherwise. i remember what lola said before... Take care of yourself first so that you can do all the things that you need to do. 

With that I rest my case. Bring me home as stated in the ticket. It is time to take care of my knee. 

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